COM '26
Office Hours: TBD
Aloha! My name is Noelle Lo(she/her) and I am the Chief of Staff to the President for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. I am originally from Maui, Hawaii and studying Advertising with a minor in Hospitality Administration.
At BU, I am the Co-Productions Coordinator for BU Filipino Student Association, a dancer on Verge Dance Team, an Admissions Ambassador, and a general member in the Japanese Student Association, and Hawaii Cultural Association. In my free time I love to dance, bake sweet treats, inhale pounds of sushi, window shop, and walk around Boston. You can always find me at the GSU attempting to lock in or in fit rec hoping the hot tub is open!
As a Chief of Staff I focus on aiding the President in his key initiatives, the organization of the College Presidents, and general administrative work. I work mostly under the Executive President and alongside the Executive Council.
If you ever have any questions feel free to reach out to me via email, let’s crush this year terriers!
CAS, CDS ’26
Office Hours: TBD​
Hello! My name is Tony Wu and I am a junior in CAS & CDS as a double major in political and data science on the pre-law track. I was born and raised in Queens, New York, and am a transfer student!
On campus, I am involved as a Project Manager and Special Initiatives Coordinator for BU Spark, Video Producer for BU Public Relations, Admissions Ambassador for BU, and as a mentor for Transition to BU. I am also a member of Phi Alpha Delta, CAS Student Government, the Chinese Student Association, and BU Running Club.
As a Chief of Staff, my main responsibility is supporting the Executive Vice President with her official responsibilities along with ensuring that the 8 Cabinet departments run smoothly. Specifically, I support the logistics & workflow of StuGov initiatives, projects, events, and partnerships that are integral to the BreakthroughBU’s long term mission and strategy. Additionally, I work with the other Chief of Staffs across branches to ensure that StuGov as a whole runs smoothly both externally and internally.
I can always be reached at if you have any questions or concerns — looking forward to an incredible and productive year to get things done for our BU community!
The Chief of Staff works closely with the Student Body President and the Executive Vice-President to assist in fulfilling the E-Board’s vision for the current term of Student Government. As the E-Board and Cabinet execute their initiatives and events there will often be the need to complete unforeseen tasks as logistical complexities arise. The Chief of Staff is not charged with a specific set of duties in the way that Cabinet Directors are; rather, they are given enough independence to work on a diverse array of impromptu tasks on behalf of the E-Board. In this way, they are ideally suited to serve as versatile aides to the Student Body President.